Never one to turn down a challenge, I’m participating in Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge and following a prompt each day to post a little something. (I put a link to her post down at the bottom–that’s where you can find all of the participants. Heck, you can join in, too, you can post on social media if you don’t have a blog.)
Day 1: Introduction
Hi! I’m Becca Fenstermaker. Up until about a year ago, you might have known me as @PrettyPiney, but Sugar Sand Quilt Company is a better reflection of who I am. You probably know that I write quilt patterns and teach at guilds, and of course I have a handy About Becca page that you’re welcome to visit, but I drew you a picture, too:

To be completely honest, I have a lot of favorite books, and of course a lot of favorite quilt books. (Alice in Wonderland has my favorite illustrations.)
Check out these fun prompts!
Pop down to the comment section to introduce yourself, and tell me which Blog Writing Challenge prompt you think will be the most interesting.
#25 of course!
I’ll bring them to your house and you can look at them FOREVER!!!