What do Unfinished Objects abduct from you? Time? Space? Energy?
Almost every quilter has at least one UFO. Most have more than one. If you’re one of those quilters (or not), I’ve got some tips for UFO prevention for you.
Sure, you can join one of the multitude of UFO challenges that pop up every January, but how do you STOP ADDING UFOS to your own personal Area 51?
You can take some easy steps every time you start a project to help prevent quilty UFOs from abducting you!

1. Make Kits
Create a kit for every quilt. Label the container with the name of the project inside. Check out this video for what to include:

2. take notes
Start a record as the first step in your quilt-making process. Take notes as you go, and when you stop for the day, write down your next steps so you’ll know where you left off. Use the UFO Prevention Toolkit Project Record.

3. maintain a list
Keep a reference list of your projects and what step you’re on near your sewing machine or project storage area (Area 51). Find the right project for the time/energy you have when you sit down to sew.

4. Store all of your projects in one place
Keep all of your projects together so you don’t have to go searching for anything. Bonus: you’ll have the satisfaction of watching the collection get smaller and smaller!

5. Commit your time
- Add projects to your calendar. Write down any deadlines you have (birthdays, graduations, etc.) and fill in “due dates” for each step of the process. If you have to adjust the dates, do it!
- Make an appointment with your sewing machine–and keep it. Set a timer for half an hour of sewing. If you feel like sewing longer, go for it! Pat yourself on the back either way.
- If you can, try sewing with friends for extra motivation and accountability. See if a local guild or quilt shop has an “open sew” day or a Sit and Sew that you can join. Invite a sewing friend over to your house.

6. Be kind to yourself
Let go and have fun. Relieve yourself of the burden of perfection. Embrace “good enough!”
Change the project if you’re not enjoying it. Make it smaller, turn it into a tote bag, cut it up and rearrange it, create something entirely different from the bits you’ve already sewn. The quilt you started making doesn’t have to be the quilt you finish. The world won’t end if your quilt ends up looking different from the original plan, I promise.

Bonus tip: Join the UFO Prevention Society group on Facebook!