It’s time for the annual Spring Clean Your Studio blog hop with Cheryl Sleboda! This is my fourth year participating, and 2022 has started off messy, so what phenomenal timing.

An Ode to the SPring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop
‘Twas the night before retreat, and all through the room
Not a quilt could be worked on: productivity’s doom.
The projects were draped all around without care,
Fabric, thread, and design boards just piled everywhere.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But an email from Cheryl announcing this year
That the annual spring cleaning blog hop will go
In spite of the wind, rain, the sleet, and the snow.
My eyes–how they twinkled! (No dimples, though–sorry.)
I knew that this project couldn’t wait ’til tomorry.
Away to the waste bins I flew like a flash,
Recycled old boxes, tossed out some old trash.
I packed up spare notions to use in a kit
That would go to workshops and retreats, if it fit.
All the surfaces were cleared of their sewing detritus.
Now there is space for some work to excite us!
You can see a project on the cutting mat already.
I can’t wait to finish it (although it’s quite thready).

I hope my poem works as a means to inspire
Your own spring cleaning work: that is, if required.
I’ve heard there are neatniks out there to be seen.
But if that’s not you, have a happy spring clean!

Spring cleaning archives
I enjoy looking back at my posts from previous years because they have some solid advice in them. (As of this writing, they’re still at my old website.) The old site has been shut down, but I’m working on creating an archive hosted here at Sugar Sand Quilt Co. If you’re signed up for emails from me, you’ll be the first to hear when the archive is live!
2019 – a complete reorganization
2020 – dealing with scraps
2021 – clutter control
Spring clean Your Studio 2022 participants – visit them all!
April 15 – Muppin Inc
April 16 – Duck Creek Mountain Quilting
April 17 – Quiltblox
April 18 – by Hilary Jordan
April 19 – Sarah Ruiz Quilts
April 20 – Sugar Sand Quilt Co.
April 21 – Katie Mae Quilts
April 22 – The Geeky Bobbin
April 23 – PhoebeMoon Designs
April 24 – Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting
April 25 – KISSed Quilts
April 26 – Tamarinis