I’m participating in the Quilted Snowman Sew Along with Fat Quarter Shop!

You can choose your own fabrics and just buy the pattern, or do like I did and opt for the Quilted Snowman Quilt Kit which uses Lori Holt’s Home Town Holiday collection.

A note about Home Town Holiday: If you like the colors but don’t want to use Christmas fabrics, most of the included prints aren’t explicitly seasonal. You can easily replace the seasonal prints with other fabrics if you choose to. If you choose other Lori Holt fabrics, it’ll be easy to get the right colors! Remember, you never have to make the same quilt that everyone else does.

a badge that reads The Quilted Snowman Sew Along I'm Sewing Along

My experience

I opened up the box of fabric and my jaw dropped. There’s a LOT of fabric in there. The Quilted Snowman is a pretty big quilt.

The Quilted Snowman pattern cover with all of the fabric in the quilt kit

Then, I got a good look at the fabric chart and all of the cutting ahead of me and decided to do all of the cutting for the entire sew-along in advance. It took a while, but a spreadsheet with all of the cuts double- and triple-checked then got converted into a whole bunch of labels with the fabric SKUs, sizes, and blocks listed. In order to get everything pressed and cut fairly quickly, I took everything with me to my local quilt shop’s sit-and-sew day…twice. And there were still a few more cuts to make! Those were finished at the beginning of a retreat with friends.

It was a lot.

But! Now I’ll fly through stitching up the blocks every month. It looks like January is going to be the most intense, with a couple dozen of these little snowballs to make along with eight slightly larger snowflake blocks.

a pile of 3" nine patch snowball blocks
a pile of snowflake quilt blocks in tans, greens, blues, reds, and mustard yellows

After that, the blocks get larger and you don’t have to make as many of each. Phew!

I do recommend that you starch that fabric before cutting! I didn’t. I regret it. It’ll be okay, but I regret it.

Who else is sewing along?

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