Never one to turn down a challenge, I’m participating in Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge and following a prompt each day to post a little something. (I put a link to her post down at the bottom–that’s where you can find all of the participants. Heck, you can join in, too, you can post on social media if you don’t have a blog.)

Day 6: Oldest UFO
You would think that a person who teaches a class called Find Your U-F-Flow wouldn’t have any Unfinished Objects. Au contraire!
In fact, I’m a little late getting to my regularly scheduled UFO inventory. This is when I sort through my little Area 51 and decide what to do with any projects that I haven’t finished since the last inventory. The process has really helped me to focus on what I actually enjoy doing and figure out what I can let go of. But for now, let’s just take a quick look at the oldest UFO in there.
The winner of the Oldest UFO award is:
The 2012 Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Block of the Month!
This is the raw, unedited photo of what it looks like at this moment:

Here’s the timeline:
2012-2013: made the blocks
2016: pieced the sashing (badly) and finished the top
2022: cut batting to fit
Next steps: piece the backing, baste the layers, quilt, and bind
It’s not at the top of my priority list, but I’m going to make sure this one gets finished in 2023!
need Inspiration to organize your Unfinished objects?
Find Your U-F-Flow has been a great success since its debut earlier this year. I’ve had reports that UFO sightings drop significantly in the weeks and months after I visit a guild! Let your guild know that you’re interested in the presentation and send them a link to my teaching page. You can watch the unedited recording of the Facebook Live presentation that inspired the class here to learn more about conducting your own unfinished object inventory.

Check out these fun prompts!
Pop down to the comment section and tell me about your oldest UFO! What are your plans for it?