Never one to turn down a challenge, I’m participating in Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge and following a prompt each day to post a little something. (I put a link to her post down at the bottom–that’s where you can find all of the participants. Heck, you can join in, too, you can post on social media if you don’t have a blog.)
Day 2: Sewing Space
Like so many people, my first sewing space was the kitchen table. Eventually, when we realized that the addiction wasn’t going away, we cleared out a section in our basement–which was unfinished, but had windows–and I officially started a Big Honking Fabric Stash. I had to unplug my space heater in the winter if I wanted to use an iron, but at least it stayed nice and cool in the summertime.
Then we moved.

The “new” basement didn’t have windows and its ceiling wasn’t high enough for my shelves. But there was an attached garage…and if you give a quilter a sewing room, she’s going to ask for extra lighting. And if you give her that lighting, she’s going to ask for lots of electrical outlets. Once she has the outlets, she’ll install shelves all the way up to the ceiling.

Then she’ll fill those shelves to overflowing with her Big Honking Fabric Stash.

Please note that the ceiling electrical outlet for the garage door opener remained in place–I wasn’t kidding when I told the contractor that I wanted outlets at a variety of heights!

Check out these fun prompts!
Pop down to the comment section and tell me a little about where you sew. Did you start out on the kitchen table, too?

I love your sewing space! I bought a house because the basement was finished and had a marvelous room to be my studio. And then my boys moved back home, and one of them lives in it! So my space is my living room! I took the smallest bedroom and made a sitting room where I can watch TV, if I choose, but only one friend at a time can come visit and share the love seat with me. LOL Yes, sewing is that important to me! Your stash is awesome, too. That’s why I didn’t do this prompt, and I had an advent post anyway.
That sounds so cozy! I’m sure you’ll get your basement studio back eventually, but it sounds like you’ve got things covered in the meantime. I’m thinking about selling my under-used longarm and putting in a small loveseat to curl up in for sewing binding, or for visitors to hang out. But the longarm makes a very convenient storage area…alas!