Never one to turn down a challenge, I’m participating in Cheryl Sleboda’s 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge and following a prompt each day to post a little something. (I put a link to her post down at the bottom–that’s where you can find all of the participants. Heck, you can join in, too, you can post on social media if you don’t have a blog.)

Day 5: First Project
These are my first patchwork quilts. I made them both at the same time: the baby quilt during a beginner’s quilting class (read more about that experience here), and the throw quilt from the same pattern secretly in the evenings. The throw quilt was a gift for my mother, an experienced quilter herself who was following along with my progress on the baby quilt with plenty of encouragement.

I don’t know if the now-eleven-year-old baby still has his quilt, but my mom still has hers, even though I messed up the corners of the binding because I finished it at the last minute and couldn’t remember how I’d been taught. Of course. (I’m much better at it now.)
Check out these fun prompts!
Pop down to the comment section and tell me about your first project! Do you still have it, or did you give it away?