For several years now, I’ve received regular emails from The World Needs More Love Letters with letter requests–people nominate loved ones who they think could use a pick-me-up, and anyone who wants to write them a letter of support can mail one in to that bundle. Sometimes, I respond to every request. Other times, none. Most often, it’s somewhere in between.

When I saw this letter request, I knew I had to respond. I decided to use my Ransom note paper stitching to make a fabric postcard. I’ve made postcards in the past using a cardstock postcard for the back, but I ran out of the cards and decided to try all fabric.

Fabric Postcard Tutorial

To make this card, you need:

Following the manufacturer’s instructions, fuse one piece of white fabric to each piece of stabilizer. Use your walking foot to stitch light blue lines about 1/4″ apart on one piece. Add two red lines perpendicular to the blue lines about 1 1/4″ from the left side. Free motion stitch your lettering in black thread, then doodle a heart in pink.

Fuse the front and back of the postcard together. Zigzag stitch around the entire postcard twice.

Use a Micron pen to fill in the back of the postcard. Affix a self-sticking stamp firmly with your fingers. Here are the requirements from the USPS for the thickness your postcard should be in order to qualify for the lower postcard postage. If you’re not sure if yours qualifies, just use a regular first-class mail stamp. I put on too much postage but frankly, I’m lazy and out of Forever stamps, and just stuck on two very old stamps to be sure.

I read somewhere to write POSTCARD on it, but I don’t think that’s necessary, especially since I put on enough stamps to mail an elephant. Still, I had room, so I added it as an example anyway.

This content originally appeared at